Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Term 2 Mars Lander

Term 2 Robotics Mars Lander

This here is my design so far.

Design process

For the design process we brainstormed ideas to see what one is more realistic, and to change it if we had to. Also we started to look at what different materials could be used for, like a cup could be a good catch for the sphero. Or putting a cup on top of it, we didn’t tern the sphero on but we did a friction test on the ground. The thing I am wondering about the suspension on the model, and what would be used as the suspension. Some ideas I have for the suspension is using pipe cleaners put into a spring shape, then putting the wheels at the bottom somehow. For the turning system I have no idea what to do, because the sphero is what will be used but how will the wheels tern. Also we will need to control the size of our mars lander, because it could become too heavy for the sphero.

Mars terrain

the terrain can be very steep, rough and ridged so if I were to make a mars lander, I would need something to withstand the terrain. Now it would be easy to fix just by adding suspension but we also need to consider gravity, because if we hit a bump we could go flying. So to fix that we need weight which should hopefully fix that.


Our Mars Lander has this shape because it will keep the weight in the same place will keep it close to the ground. Also our Robot will navigate the terrain with these features because we need to communicate and transmit the photos/information back to earth.

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